Campaign Launch Video
What your female apprentices and former apprentices can do to support the campaign:
School Visits
Visit a local school along with a more experienced colleague, and do some preparation on her story beforehand. This can take place any time this term or next.
The colleague could ask Career Conversation questions “fireside chat” style for the apprentice to answer, and will help to manage a Q&A with the school students.
Take a photo to showcase the visit and post on social media (with school permission).
Social Media Campaign
Post a picture of herself or make a short film showing herself in the workplace on social media.
Write 250-350 words to accompany it, telling her personal “My Apprenticeship Story” - that tells her personal story about why she became an apprentice, who/what influenced her decision, what she likes about it.
The Career Conversation questions can be a framework for this.

How to Engage Effectively with Schools
- Register with a charity to match you to schools e.g. Inspiring the Future, Speakers for Schools. It is likely that your first visit will meet their needs e.g. an activity the school is organising. However, once you have started the relationship you can suggest future visits that meet your needs too.
- When initiating contact directly with a school ALWAYS search through the website to find the name and email address of the person responsible for careers and email them directly. NEVER send it to a generic school email e.g. info@ because it will not be passed on.
- Select schools in areas that future recruits would be able to commute from to your workplace.
- Explain about your company and the type of roles you regularly recruit young people into. NEVER assume they will be aware of your company or anything about the automotive industry.
- Include your phone number on the email (school staff often prefer a quick phone call rather than email).
- Suggest a date that gives plenty of notice (at least 4 weeks). Advise that the session is only 40 minutes and designed to fit into a standard lesson duration for their convenience.
- Make it clear from the start that your visit will be FREE, help them meet their obligations regarding apprenticeship information and Gatsby Benchmark 5 “Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace.”
- If you can also offer future workplace visits or work experience (Gatsby Benchmark 6) also highlight that – schools usually find it harder to find these opportunities so will see this as very positive.
- Attach the school brief we will provide to you. Explain that you are keen to meet all students (probably in Y9 or Y10), including those with neurodiversity, dyslexia, dyspraxia, particularly females, and whatever their likely GCSEs outcome will be. Studies have shown that youngsters’ grades in English and Maths can improve if they meet someone from the world of work who inspires them to realise the importance of a pass grade.
- It is unlikely they will respond after just one email. Follow it up after a few days and keep trying until you get a response. School staff are extremely busy and will not prioritise your email – they receive many emails from businesses trying to sell them careers related activities so each time you send a reminder make it clear what you are offering is free and could lead to employment in the future for some students.
Automotive Apprentice Influencer Career Conversation Questions
- Why did you choose to be an apprentice?
- Did anyone influence that choice? (e.g. your friends, parents or teachers)
- What is the purpose of your apprentice role – how are you helping customers and colleagues?
- Which subjects did you like best at school, and why?
- Which GCSEs (also A-level/BTECs if applicable) did you need to be an apprentice?
- What steps were involved in the apprenticeship recruitment process? e.g. application form, interview, selection tests) and what time of year did they take place?
- What is your typical day like? (Perhaps bring a “prop” to help explain a task.)
- Please describe the training you are (/were) given
- How long does (/did) the apprenticeship last, and what qualification will (/did) it lead to?
- What do (/did) you like best about being an apprentice?
- What job are you aiming for when qualified?
- What advice would you give to anyone who might like to be an apprentice?
Our Social Media Activity Plan
Here are the key dates and content of the Automotive 30% Club’s Early Careers Group planned social media activity.
These will be post over the duration of the My Apprenticeship Story campaign, to mark National Apprenticeship Week 2025.
Getting involved
The campaign will run for 1 week and we encourage you to get involved, with hashtags:
- #MyApprenticeshipStory
- #NAW2025
- #Auto30Club
- #SkillsForLife
January 13th, 20th, 29th; February 3rd and 6th
LinkedIn posts to trail the campaign, urging companies and their female apprentices to participate.
10th - 14th February: National Apprenticeship Week 2025
Please publish on LinkedIn and your other social media channels #MyApprenticeshipStory posts featuring the images, films and the personal stories of your female Automotive Apprentices #NAW2025 #SkillsForLife
We will like, comment and repost. PLEASE TAG US
February onwards
Please publish photos and feedback from your #NAW2025 school visits of your female Automotive Apprentices.