Real Model Interview featuring Cat Moseley, Chief People Officer at Motorpoint and HR Director Game Changer of the Year for 2021

We recently caught up with our HR Director Game Changer of the Year for 2021, Cat Moseley, Chief People Officer at Motorpoint.
Read more below.
Congratulations on being named this year’s Inspiring Automotive Woman of the Year. How did it feel when you first heard the news?
It was amazing, I was really proud. I say that on behalf of the whole company as the initiatives that led to the recognition are things the whole business has had to embrace and deliver against, so it is fab to see the collective efforts recognised.
How does it feel to be recognised by your colleagues in the Inspiring Automotive Women Awards 2021?
It’s wonderful and very humbling, when you work in HR you do what you do to drive positive change because you love it and it is your job when someone you value as a key customer and massively respect then speaks up to say they recognised the additional drive and focus you are putting into something, over and above the norm – well that feel special.
You are the National Customer Experience Lead at Solus Accident Repair Centre. What does your job entail?
My role is so varied, no two days are the same. It is about enabling growth more than anything else. That’s commercial growth for the business and the growth of individuals. The two go hand in hand so much of my time is spent looking at how we can truly build a culture of growth and togetherness. Having everyone aligned and engaged in the vision of the business is so important and immediately accelerates change.
How long have you worked in the sector?
I have worked in the sector for 4 years this week (My Motorpoint Anniversary is 5th December. Motorpoint was the first business I joined in automotive retail, and I love it. Before that I worked for 10 years in the hospitality sector, I was HR Director at Casual Dining Group looking after their Italian brands immediately before joining Motorpoint and Head of HR at Spirit Pub Company before that.
What do you like best about your job?
I love the variety and the ability to make a change. When we get it right, we make a positive change to people’s lives. I love the thought that something we have provided as an employer will allow an employee to have a shared moment of pride or happiness with their family.
What are your future aspirations?
Well, I am about to go on maternity leave so the next 12 months will be learning how to be an amazing mum to two daughters, not just the one. After that my aspirations are about getting back to work and feeling engaged and proud of what I am doing. I’m not ever precious about where or how I achieve that, knowing my drivers and ensuring they are fulfilled in my career have always been what’s led to my success so that’s going to continue to be my aspirations.
Can you name a woman in automotive that inspires you and why?
There are so many incredible women in Motorpoint that inspire me daily, on a personal and professional level. Outside of Motorpoint, I think Julia has done a huge amount for the sector and with the 30% club will have facilitated initiatives and discussions that will change the lives of some of the pupils in the schools the members have connected with and then it really inspiring. Engaging with the future generation of talent is one of the best things we can do with our time. I also find the team at Autotrader impressive. Their tenacity to drive cultural change and remain people-centric is very impressive.
What makes you happy?
Seeing other people happy because of something I have done makes me feel great, the overwhelming thing that drives my happiness is my family though, my husband daughter, and dog! Oh, and wine and donuts, I can’t pretend they don’t make me really happy.
Which word or phrase do you most overuse?
At the moment “Change and transformation!”
What is your worst trait?
Impatient – it’s been a flaw and a talent in equal measure since I was little. It means I am tenacious and get stuff done but it also means I am a pain when things are not getting done!
How would you like to be recognised (as an inspiration to others)?
If something I have said or done has made a positive difference to one person then I am proud of that. I would like to think that I might challenge a thought process, inspire some confidence or drive some creativity within people that drove them to do something that then passed forward that positive effect.
What advice would you give to women who are wanting to progress in the sector?
Go for it, don’t overthink anything, be authentic, be clear on what you want (and why), and don’t compromise. The sector is fabulous, bursting with opportunity, innovation and so much talent. Feel lucky to be part of it and role model to the next generation so they come and join us!