At DLG Auto Services we are proud to become Silver members of the Automotive 30 by 30 Club. Fostering a diverse and inclusive culture is a key strategic focus for me and my team. Diverse teams with a strong gender balance inspire innovation and creativity, which is essential for the success of DLG Auto Services now and in the future.
Joining the Automotive 30% Club is not just about building a better balance of female representation at a leadership level within our organisation. It is about working with key players in the market to drive transformational change in the industry and collectively change the status quo. We aspire to an accident repair industry where there is no longer a gender imbalance. We want to build an environment where just as many women, including those at the early careers stage, are actively choosing careers in the automotive sector.
We already employ fantastic female talent across several roles in DLG Auto Services, including apprentices starting out their career in accident repair. We are committed to growing our female talent pool year on year and are focusing on change in key areas to hit our internal targets on diversity. These areas include Culture and Working Environment, Talent Management, Succession and Internal Mobility, Early Careers, and our Attraction strategy.
We are really looking forward to working with the Automotive 30% Club. As a business we are excited and committed to come together to drive positive change in equity, diversity, and inclusion for the benefit of the industry.